Changing the face of the search engine

Changing the face of the search engine

Changing the face of the search engine

Changing the face of the search engine

Everyday we are searching, researching or just trying to find things on the web. We have been educated to use search engines such as Google to find the things that interest us. We have been taught that if we use particular keywords then Google will find everything on the web that contains these keywords. However many keywords are used for many different things. An example would be the keyword ‘Apple’ that would return search results about computers and ‘Granny Smiths’ apples to cider. This means that a lot of the results returned by the search engine are irrelevant to our question. This is because computers do not understand what we want. Enter The Semantic Web.

The Semantic Web

All of our content on the web is written by humans (or most of it) then converted to a language a computer can understand. When we type our human language into a search engine of  course it doesnt understand what we have asked for so the search engines use a method of picking up particular keywords from our human searches to look for those keywords around the web and return them as the results of our search. Now you can see why we get many irrelevant results when using a search engine.

The Semantic Search – the human touch

Now let’s imagine we use a semantic search. When we enter our search terms, query or interests, the results are returned taking into account the context and meaning of your search, by understanding the assumptions you are making, the search will return not only keywords contained in the web documents but articles, websites etc that may not contain those keywords but are about and related to those keywords. You would therefore get highly accurate results based on what you are searching for.

Removing the Search Engine

The search engine seams from the above to be an obstacle in the solution. A search engine is just a front facing webpage that we have all become so familiar with. Essentially all that a search engine does is sent out a robot (or a piece of software) to index all those trillions of websites and store them in a database, so that when you type a search term into the search engine it just returns the information stored in it’s database. Now lets say you could send out your own robot to find what you were interested in and save to your own database (known as your Network or graph in techie terms), but only for the things you were interested in and very specific because your robot understands what you want because its using semantic technology. You now don’t need to rely on search engines you would have what is termed as your own Intelligent Agent software robot.

Yirika makes it easy

OK so you’ve got the idea but you dont know anything about robots, intelligent agents and really don’t want to know, but you would love to have that facility. That’s where Yirika comes in. Yirika provides a graphical web board thats easy to read and easy to setup. You simply enter your ‘interests’ once into the configuration page and let Yirika create your personal Intelligent Agent to go out and find what’s on the net  for your specific interest. It wont just do it once, it will continue to find information based on your interests and create a network know as an ‘Interest Network’. The great thing is you don’t need to know anything about the above, all you see is the graphical results of your request in an easy to use webboard. We have also provided with one webboard for your leisure life and one for your business life so you dont have to mixup the two. This can be updated, everyday, every 12 hours, every hour or even live. We think it’s great, but we would love to know your views about this.


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